Have your say about child bus fares in Exeter with Stagecoach South West, and get a FREE John Lewis gift voucher
Are you a regular Exeter bus user and do you have children?
Want to get an early Christmas present?
In exchange for your help, a £20 John Lewis gift voucher could be yours.
Stagecoach, really want to hear your views about its range of fares and services for passengers with children in and around Exeter and for young independent travellers.
On behalf of Stagecoach South West, Astley Media are conducting this research and want to hear from the Exploring Exeter community to gather your views.
Join me this Friday, November 30th between 10-11am or 12.15-1.15pm at Astley Media’s offices in Northernhay (near John Lewis) for a focus group session to look at and discuss fares and services in Exeter.
All participants must register in advance to get involved and secure your time slot, which will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
To register telephone (during office hours) Leah Watts on 01392 267394 or email leah.watts@astleymedia.co.uk.
Have your say.
See you there!
Tags: Bus fares, Exeter, John Lewis, stagecoach, survey